Este es un blog dedicado exclusivamente a Hliary Duff, por su grandeza, por su personalidad, por hacernos feliz, por ser como es, le dedicamos este blog y todo nuestra alma a hil, q mas alla de hacernos feliz, nos ah unido a caro y a mi siempre, sus canciones no son simples letras cn un poco de ruido, significan mucho para las dos..significa amistad, y es por eso q la amamos por encime de todo..gracias Hilary!! carola & meryanne

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007

Hilary Duff

Mas sexy que nunca!

la amooo!!
caro y mari

*Greta... la nueva peli de Hilary

aparte de otras dos pelis q esta filamando hilary, parece q ahora tambien esta filmando una llamada Greta en New Yersey
El lanzamiento no esta definido, se prevee para los meses de junio y julio del año q viene!!
disfruten las pics del rodaje!!
caro y mari


la pareja perfecta..*

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007

*Un poco de la mejor musica*

Hilary Duff

les dejo el video de stranger para q lo diruten!! es unos de los ejores videos de hilary sin duda, esta hermosa como siempre, love her!!!

Carola & Meryanne

algunos datos!!.. para actualizarse..!:

the next single from the re-release of "Dignity" has been confirmed - REACH OUT (AND TOUCH ME) will be the next single! The video will start filming before October, and many video directors (including David LaChapelle) have sent in their video ideas. I'd like to thank HILFAN72 from Hilaryfan for this information. Here is an interesting interview in which Hilary talks a lot about her music and a collaboration with a rapper:

What do you think has enabled you, versus a lot of other people, to have two simultaneous successful careers?

Hard work, I guess. I think anything’s possible, so I’m a big dreamer and I work really hard and I have a great team of people around me that help keep me organized and keep me focused.

At one point your music was heading in an edgier direction with Most Wanted (2005), perhaps because of Joel’s influence (Madden of pop-punk band Good Charlotte, her then-boyfriend) and now it’s more dancey and pop. Are you still trying to find what your sound is?

I think it’s the other way around. My music before, the lyrics weren’t edgier, but the actual music was a little more rock-influenced. Then when we worked on music together, Joel and I, it was kind of dancey — ‘Beat of My Heart’ is like this techno song. It’s definitely pop, but it’s more dancey. Then the same with ‘Wake Up.’ After that is when I wanted to make more of a dance record and get away from that pop-punk sound.

So what would you want to do for the next one?

I always want to do something different. I was thinking about it the other day. I want to make a dual-sided record where I can make a dance record and then do an acoustic something because I crave both. I love all different kinds of music and I would love to get to do something really simple and lyric-driven with acoustic guitar, but also I love dance music


Carola & Mar&anne


,,*Hilary*,, ¨*[loveu4ever]*¨


Espero que les guste estas fotos hermosas de Hilary con ese vestido fuccia q le queda mas q hermoso, alucinante!!
love u Hilary!!!

caro & mari

*-¿¿is she real??-*

Hermosa como siempre, y en estas fotos mas q nunca, la amamos, hilari x 100pre

shine on me today

hilary te amamos i amamos verte bien, verte feliz, me alegroo mucho q hayas encontrado a mike i todos te deseamos lo mejor!!!! mari te amo

U r everything 4 us!!

Let the rain fall....let the rain fall Im coming

Una mujer unica

Hilary te amamos!!

rubia. morocha, castaña, pelo largo, o corto, pero siempre espectacular, Hil te seguimos en todo loq haces, amo por el simple hecho de unir mi amistad cn mari de una manera super especial, mar&anne te amo mi amiga y espero q te gusten estas fotos

-*DIGNITY*- Hilary Duff

aca algunas fotos del photoshoot para el albuen de Hilary DIGNITY
esta hermoosa como siempre,
espero q les gustee
mañana prometo publicar algunas cn su nuevo novio mike!!
q la verdad es un buen chico, segun E! esta profundamente enamorado de hilary!! esperemos q siga asi




bueno les dejo unas fotos de la filmacion de la nueva pelicula de hilary "Greta", que la estan filmando en New Jersey, USA. espero q les guste!! PD: caro te amo!! MaR!*

aca van algunas news de Hilary!!:

The UK’s CBBC Newsround and The Children’s Society polled children across the UK on who they would want as their ideal celebrity teacher. Hilary, the first non-Brit to be ranked on this impressive and eclectic list, was selected as #5.

The Top Ten Celebrities Chosen By Children Across The UK To Make A Good Teacher

1. David Tennant
2. JK Rowling
3. Billie Piper
4. David Beckham
5. Hilary Duff
6. Kylie Minogue
7. Tracey Beaker
8. Richard Branson
9. The Queen
10. High School Musical Cast

info sacada de la pag: